When my son first started at Bright Beginnings as a two-year-old toddler, I was very concerned about him fitting into a school setting. Questions raced through my mind. Would he be happy in school? Would he interact socially? It’s almost two and a half years later and a diagnosis of Autism spectrum disorder on my young lad, however my worries are no longer there.
Bright Beginnings provides a caring, nurturing and safe environment that supports all children including those with special needs. Bright Beginnings has been an ideal place for my son (who has a differentiated learning style) to be incorporated into an organized structure. The environment thrives on being collaborative and encouraging its students rather than trying to set them up as competing against themselves and against other settings. When my son acts differently, the kids and staff embrace his differences. My son has not changed to fit Bright Beginnings, rather, Bright Beginnings has adapted changes and inventions to best serve his special needs. From my little experience as a parent and discussing with other parents, these sort of changes and adaptations are not what every educational setting can or will easily make to best meet the child’s needs. Bright Beginnings has paid special attention to my son’s needs, provided additional observations, have encouraged specialists to come over to observe and give some guidance, and have worked with different specialists to understand my son’s exact needs and how Bright Beginnings can best provide extra support to have his needs met.
In conclusion, we’re awed by all that we (Bright Beginnings working with us) have achieved in the last 2+ years.
My son came to your care as a little toddler with special needs but he will be leaving as a confident, sociable and a very happy boy. He loves his nursery time, singing and cuddles.
Bright Beginnings has demonstrated a rare and unique willingness to go the extra mile in getting needs met and we are thankful for the opportunity to be a part of Bright Beginnings, which is an excellent school setting. Thanks!