They were also invited to help the LUU Rooted team harvest their first potato crop of the season at the University’s Sustainable Garden! The group used trowels to dig for potatoes in the soil and took them back to nursery. They also got to talk to the staff about composting and try some blackberries and wineberries fresh from the garden.
Lastly, but certainly not least, we were delighted to be able to officially announce our Ofsted grading to our families! After last month’s inspection, we are absolutely over the moon to be able to confirm that we have once again been graded Outstanding in all areas! We are extremely proud of maintaining the highest quality and standards since our last inspection in March 2016.
The inspector, Julie Dent, had commented on children’s rapid progress achieved via exceptional experiences that are provided by passionate staff who are exemplary role models. She found that our children are extraordinarily well behaved and sociable, displaying manners beyond their years and that the inspirational and highly responsive quality of teaching allows children to acquire all necessary skills for the next stages in their learning.
You can read the full report here. We would like to thank all the parents for their lovely feedback they offered either by email or directly speaking to the inspector on the day of the inspection.